Posts written by Angel Ministries


Ministry Update Devotional October 2018

Oct 26, 2018

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God is speaking … are you listening?

Jun 27, 2016

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Prayer for the Battle

All-Mighty Warrior, Lion of Judah, Captain of the Armies of Heaven,

Open our eyes to the invisible realm.
Tear away the veil of deception that the enemy has hung over our minds and our hearts.

Show us that for every aspect of Your truth,
Satan has a twisted counterfeit.

Give us discernment to detect…

His lies in contrast with Your truth,
His suggestions in contrast to Your commands,
His temptations in contrast to Your promises,
His destruction in contrast to your salvation,
His pleasures that are fleeting,
His plans that are failing,
His purposes that are futile,
And his position that is fraudulent.

Thank You that You have not left us defenseless for The Battle.

We choose to intentionally put our armor on—to hide ourselves in You.
Therefore, we choose to…

…Wrap ourselves in the Truth of Your Word so that our thoughts, decisions, and actions are in line with what You say.

…Guard our hearts with the awareness that we are right with You and to the best of our ability, right with others.

…Stand firm on Your Good News that invites anyone and everyone into a personal, permanent, life-saving, life-changing relationship with You through the Cross, and that without Jesus there is no way to come to You.

…Trust You in times of peace and times of war; in times of health and times of sickness; in times of wealth and times of poverty; in times of prosperity and times of adversity; in times of life and in time of death.

…Claim the blessed assurance that we are Yours and You are ours. We will not doubt our salvation or our eternal security because You guarantee both through the blood of Your Son and the indwelling Seal of Your Spirit.

…Take up Your Word as we read it, study it, love it, apply it, obey it, and share it with others.

…Pray fully alert for Your Kingdom to come, Your will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

We will face the foe with nothing to protect our backs because we are not turning around. We will not retreat. We will not back down. We will stand our ground, and having done all, we will keep standing firm.4

Saturate us in You…

Flood our hearts with Your love,
Fill our being with Your Spirit,
Fix our eyes on our Savior, Lord, and King.
Cover us with Your blood.
Give us courage to call Satan out when we hear his
mocking, taunting, threatening, derisive, insinuating accusations.
He is a liar. He is a lion.
But You are Lord.

Give us strength to persevere until we see You in death or at Your return. In the encroaching darkness, fill us with Your Light that directs people to the living Hope that is found in You. In a world swirling and swarming with demons, teach us to use the Sword effectively while wrapping it in unceasing prayer. In a world of deception, cleanse our lips and give us holy boldness to speak Your truth so that we share Your Gospel without compromise. Make us warriors like You.

We pray this in the name of the Rider on the white horse, whose name is Faithful and True, who one day will return, followed by the armies of Heaven.5 We pray in the name of the One who judges with justice and makes war, with eyes of blazing fire.6 We pray in the name of the Victorious Warrior who one day will vanquish Satan, and remove all sin, evil, wickedness, rebellion, hatred, injustice, and lies from this planet.

We pray in the name of JESUS.

Grant us victory this day…

For the glory of Your name.




**This Prayer for the Battle is adapted from The Daniel Prayer, Anne Graham Lotz, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 2016, p.239-243

4 Ephesians 6:13
5 Revelation 19:11-4
6 Revelation 19:11-12

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[Listen] 1 1 1: PREPRAYER for the New Year

Dec 16, 2015

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Journey to Jesus: Learning to Hear His Voice

This free, online Bible study workshop is designed to lead you on a journey through Scripture to a fresh encounter with Jesus. It can be used for individual or group study.  The workshop presents the same 3-question Bible study method that Anne taught in the workshop session of Just Give Me Jesus revivals.

There are two videos.  In Part 1, the Instruction video, Anne explains her 3-Question method of Bible study.  In Part 2, the Interactive video, you can be part of a group that is learning to apply what they have learned in Part 1.  At the bottom of the page, there are written lessons on the Book of John.  With these lessons, you can practice and apply what you have learned through this Bible Study workshop.

Part 1: Instruction on How to Study Your Bible:

Part 2: Interactive Bible Study Workshop:

Use the lessons you have learned from watching the above videos and apply them to your own Journey to Jesus as you work through the Gospel of John…

Free Resources:

3-Question Bible Study: John (24 weeks)

Download – Directions for the “3 Question” Method
Download – Bible study sample worksheet
Download – Blank worksheet for 3 Question Method (Print and use, or click and type in spaces provided).







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