“We don’t need to fight. Just take a stand on God’s Word and persevere in Prayer…” (The Daniel Key, Chapter 10)


Almighty Warrior, Lion of Judah, Captain of the Armies of Heaven,

You battled all the forces of hell and overcame! You disarmed Your enemies and
made a public spectacle of them as the entire universe roared in acclamation of the Lamb
of God, who is also the Lion of Judah.

Open my eyes to the invisible realm.
Tear away the veil of deception that the enemy has hung over my mind and my heart.

Show me that for every aspect of Your truth, Satan has a twisted counterfeit.

Give me discernment to detect . . .
his lies in contrast to Your truth,
his suggestions in contrast to Your commands,
his temptations in contrast to Your promises,
his destruction in contrast to your salvation,
his pleasures that are fleeting,
his plans that are failing,
his purposes that are futile,
And his position that is fraudulent.

Therefore, I choose to . . .
wrap myself in the Truth of Your Word so that my thoughts, decisions, and actions are in line with what You say. I will face the foe with nothing to protect my back because I am not turning around. I will not retreat. I will not back down. I will stand my ground, and having done all, I will keep standing firm.

For the glory of Your great name,


To download THE DANIEL KEY Devotional Study, CLICK HERE.

The Daniel Key: PRAY WITH ME – Perseverance from Anne Graham Lotz on Vimeo.

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“A daily prayer time is the rhythm of a spiritually healthy life.”  (The Daniel Key, Chapter 9)


Lover of my soul,

In this quiet hour, in this quiet place, I long to draw near. I long to be with You.
Alone. To glimpse Your glory. To have a fresh revelation of who You are. I yearn for
the day when my faith becomes sight and I see Your face. Until that day comes, draw
me nearer to Your heart by Your Spirit.

Thank You for the hard lessons You have taught me when I’ve skipped time
alone with You and found I was therefore not ready to meet the challenges or take
the opportunities of the day. I confess my arrogance and ignorance that allow
me to think anything or anyone is more important than spending set- aside time
with You. I am sorry when I neglect our time or show up late for it. I’m
embarrassed to acknowledge that, while You don’t make me wait in line for the
privilege of approaching Your throne, at times I have made You wait in line to be
with me! I choose to make the time to draw aside with You on a regular basis with a
heart of gratitude that You have made the time to draw aside with me.

From this day forward, I make the choice to meet with You every day at
________[a.m. or p.m.], for _________ [length of time]. My spirit is on the tiptoes
of expectancy to discover the joy, the richness, the strength, the confidence, the
assurance, the peace, and the knowledge that come from meeting with You on a
daily basis!

For the glory of Your great name,


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“God’s voice is on a frequency that requires our ears to be tuned to hear it.”  (The Daniel Key, Chapter 8)


Our Father, who is in Heaven,

We worship You as the living God of Daniel. You set the heavens in place and
laid the foundations of the earth. In a world that changes and undulates like the
surface of the sea, You and Your Word are unshaken. You are the Creator who
spoke everything into existence through the power of Your Word. Your thoughts are as
high above our thoughts as the heavens are higher than the earth. Who could know
what’s on Your mind and in Your heart except that You choose to reveal Yourself
to us? And you have! You are Light. You have made Yourself visible and knowable
through the pages of our Bibles. And Your Word is our life. It is eternal; it stands
firm in the heavens. There is no shadow of turning with You. From age to age,
from generation to generation, You and Your Word do not change.

Please tune my spiritual ears to hear Your gentle whisper as I read my Bible. I’m listening. Quicken my heart at the sound of Your voice to recognize Your words as they leap off the page into my life. And then keep me, like Daniel, faithful in prayer to lay claim to what You have said.

For the glory of Your great name,


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“Our attitude today can determine our greatness…or smallness…tomorrow.”  (The Daniel Key, Chapter 7)


Eternal Fountainhead of All Blessings,

I worship You as a good, good Father. When You allow bad things to happen to me— Your child, whom You love— as I seek to live according to Your purpose, I know it’s ultimately for my good and for Your glory. Your ways are not my ways. Your thoughts are higher than mine. The scope
of Your love is measureless. I trust You. I lay my life down before You.

Thank You for never being neglectful or whimsical, but always attentive and
intentional. Thank You for showing me that I can be confident that all things— with
absolutely no exceptions— will work together for my ultimate good and Your glory.

When I’m tempted to complain, remind me that before You went to the Cross, You
took the cup that represented Your death— Your blood that would be poured out— and
You gave thanks! Help me to see Your glory in the darkness of pain, Your blessings in the
disappointments of life.

For the glory of Your great name,


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“Daniel held God to His word, and three years after his prayer that was based on Jeremiah 29:10-12, God answered.”  (The Daniel Key, Chapter 6)


Lord of the Ages . . . Living Word,

We worship You as the One who is Truth. You are the Light. In You is no darkness at all—no
spin, no lies, no deception, no falsity.

Thank You for your promises that are ever true. They are more precious than gold.

We ask that You would teach us to pray according to Your Word. We want to ask You for what You have already purposed to give us, to do for us, and to do through us, yet will not do so until we
ask. We don’t want to get to Heaven and discover all the answers to prayer for which we never bothered to ask You, because we were ignorant of Your Word.

So speak, Lord, as we, Your children, listen with our eyes on the pages of our Bibles . . .

For the glory of Your great name,


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