

Winter 2025

…You greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in… glory…when Jesus Christ is revealed. — 1 Peter 1:6-7

As the New Year unfolds, Rachel-Ruth and I are busily writing a new book together that is centered on the Old Testament story of Joseph. Our story begins when he is a young man just coming out of boyhood, the son of Jacob and the grandson of Abraham. He was a typical teenager who had a little swagger to his step. He was a prince of the desert. Wealthy, handsome, and singled out for special honor when his father revealed his favoritism by giving Joseph a rare and coveted coat of many colors. While the coat was a symbol of his father’s favor, it was also the stimulus for jealousy among his ten older siblings.

One day Joseph, in obedience to his father, set out to check on his brothers who were tending their father’s sheep. When he didn’t find them where he expected them to be, he didn’t quit looking. He didn’t go back to the comfort of home and tell his father he had done the best he could, but his brothers were not where they were supposed to be. Instead, Joseph went the extra mile to search for them until he found them.

When Joseph came to his brothers, he had no forewarning of their rage. As he greeted them, he was violently seized and thrown into a deep pit. He was stripped of his princely robe which was dipped in the blood of an animal so the brothers could cover their evil deed by telling Jacob that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal. Joseph was then shackled and sold to his cousins who transported him to Egypt, placed him on an auction block, and sold him as a slave. He found himself far away from his family and from all that was familiar. He suddenly plummeted into the frightening swirl of a foreign, sophisticated culture where he was surrounded by strange looking people who spoke an unknown language and had unfamiliar customs and ate unfamiliar food. And he was alone. He must have been terrified by the prospect of a very uncertain future…if he even had a future. And he had gone the extra mile to do everything right! Yet in just moments, his life had been drastically changed. Seemingly for the worse. Much worse! But he had no way of knowing that his path of suffering was actually his road to destiny.

My life also has been changed in dramatic moments of suffering…the sudden tragic death of my husband of forty-nine years was followed three years later by a totally unexpected cancer diagnosis. These events occurred when I was serving in obedience to my heavenly Father, going the extra mile in many ways, seeking to make Him known through the way I lived for Him and served Him. There have been other areas of additional suffering. But I am encouraged by what stands out in Joseph’s life. All through his suffering, God was guarding, guiding, and preparing him to be a much more magnificent person and a much more powerful leader than he ever would have become living in Jacob’s tents. Which leads me to the conclusion that sometimes God uses suffering to get us where He wants us to be and to develop us into the person He created us to be for our own good and for the benefit of others. Like Joseph, our path of suffering may actually be the road to our destiny.

Think about it. In obedience to his father, Joseph was suddenly thrust out on an unknown path of intense suffering that lasted for years. Suffering that eventually led him back to reconciliation with his brothers and reunion with his father. But this path would be a lot longer, the journey fiercer, the attacks more brutal, the pain more immense than he ever would have conceived he could endure. But in the end, the path God had placed Joseph on would lead to his own exaltation and glory as well as the salvation of his family and of the world!

Is it possible that you will find yourself suddenly thrust on the unexpected, unplanned path of suffering in the New Year? Have you, or someone you love, already been walking on that path? Then ask God to open your eyes to a road well-traveled. The end is not defeat, but victory and glory and the ultimate fulfillment of God’s destiny for your life…when Jesus Christ is revealed.

For His Glory,

Anne Graham Lotz

Bible Study: God’s Presence on the Path of Suffering

  • What phrase in Genesis 39 indicates God’s presence was with Joseph in his suffering? How many times is the phrase repeated? Give the verses.
  • In what circumstance does Psalm 23:4 promise God’s presence? Apply this to your life.
  • In what circumstances does Isaiah 43:1-2 promise you will have God’s presence? Which of these have you experienced in the past? Which applies to you at present?

Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.

It was my privilege to give the closing address for Founder’s Week at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Torrey-Grey Auditorium was packed as I challenged those gathered to ask God to enlarge their hearts for the Gospel, then recommit to sharing it with others.


What a life’s moment! My youngest daughter, Rachel-Ruth, turned 50! Her daughter, Riggin, helped plan a surprise birthday party for her that was overflowing with desserts, friends, beautiful testimonies and blessings. I am so honored and humbled to observe Rachel-Ruth triumphing over her pain and suffering to become a very powerful woman of God. To Him be the glory!


The president of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast invited me to share a video-taped prayer to be offered in the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament. I did so with humble confidence that as we turn from our sin, God’s eyes will be open and His ears attentive to prayers offered from the city that He loves, Jerusalem.

The Vision of His Glory

With skilled teaching, an inspiring sense of wonder, practical insight and heart-touching parables, Anne brings clarity to the glorious pageantry and imagery of the book of Revelation. Sharing her passion for God’s Word, she will lead you step by step through John’s eyewitness account of God’s plan for our future. The Vision of His Glory brings you to an intimate encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, our one Source of true, life-changing hope.

If you have never read the book of Revelation, or sometime in the past, you tried to read it but lost your way or grew weary, this book will guide you to a new understanding. The Vision of His Glory also contains an in-depth devotional guide to help you explore the book of Revelation in a personal and practical way, either on your own or in a group.

Click here to order.


The Magnificent Obsession

Abraham’s life was full of twists and turns, riches and losses, deceit and redemption, failure and success. Nevertheless, his story held the key to satisfying Anne’s hungry heart. The key: following God in obedient faith. Step by step. Choice by choice. Day by day. Despite struggling, as we all do, with compromise, fear, family, quarrels, doubt, and disappointment, in the end, Abraham knew God…as His friend.

Challenged by Abraham’s example, Anne began a lifelong pursuit of knowing God. Through personal anecdotes, unforgettable stories, and inspiring insights, she shares the joy and fulfillment she has found as she has embraced the God-filled life through obedient faith.

Click here to order.


Podcast Coming Soon!

You know you’re supposed to read the Bible, but what does it really mean? Join Anne and Rachel-Ruth in a candid discussion of how the Bible relates to everyday life. Listen in on their conversation as they discuss how they read, love and apply the Bible, then live it out! This podcast is both for the seasoned Jesus follower and the newly Jesus-curious. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome at this table!

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Fall 2024

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. — 2 Corinthians 4:17

This past year has been a challenging one for me. Over the course of eight months I have had three medical procedures that included hospitalizations, plus COVID. The first two procedures involved my heart. The third one was for a hip replacement that went well until aggressive physical therapy resulted in a pulled groin muscle that rendered me almost crippled, just as I faced a busy fall schedule. How crazy was this? It all seemed to be too much, which made me suspicious. Was this an enemy assault? As I prayed and talked with the Lord about it, He seemed to reveal that I am on a divinely assigned journey…

I was in the book of Acts for my daily devotions, which was where the Spirit began whispering to me…a conversation that carried over many days. He brought to my attention that the Apostle Paul was converted in Acts 9 but began his itinerate ministry in Acts 13 when he was set apart by the church in Antioch to take the Gospel to the Gentiles. That assignment led to three missionary journeys over many years that are covered in Acts 13 through Acts 21—seven chapters. In chapter 21 Paul went home to Jerusalem. A man who recognized him from one of his mission trips stirred up a mob to attack him in the temple, which led to his arrest by the Romans. Thus began what I would describe as Paul’s fourth missionary journey that also is covered by seven chapters, Acts 21 through 28. During this journey he was repeatedly threatened, falsely accused, imprisoned, shipwrecked and placed under house arrest, yet he seized incredible opportunities to share the Gospel along the journey. He powerfully, boldly spoke before the Sanhedrin, Governor Felix, the governor’s successor Festus, King Agrippa and his wife Bernice, the Roman centurion overseeing his voyage to Rome, and ultimately to those in Caesar’s own household when he was incarcerated in Rome. Isn’t it interesting that almost an equal amount of Scripture is given to this fourth missionary journey as was given to the first three missionary journeys combined?

As my own health issues dragged on, I was struck by the multiple references in Acts 21-28 to the passage of time that included not only days, but months and years. Surely Paul’s fourth journey stretched him almost to the breaking point, as it would have tempted him to feel it would never end. I understood.

Paul’s hope of release was dashed again and again to the point he was tempted to discouragement (28:15) But during those dark days he could reflect on God’s promise to him the night when he was first arrested. God had drawn near to him, telling him to Take courage! As you have testified about Me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome. (23:11) Surely God’s word gave Paul a sense that he was on an assignment…a journey…that would lead to Rome. That assignment was confirmed many months later during the shipwreck when an angel stood beside him and said, Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar…(27:4-5) In other words, there was a divine purpose that was driving this fourth journey. As hard as it was, it was taking him to where God wanted him to be.

So during my difficult journey, I am claiming Acts 21-28 as God’s promise that He is not finished with me yet. He has a purpose for me on this fourth journey. While I have not had the open doors Paul had, I have sought to open my eyes to those around me…to take His light into the darkness…to encourage the discouraged, strengthen the weak, share hope with the hopeless, speak peace to the fearful, refresh the weary…and most of all, to testify about Jesus wherever I find myself.

Are you also on a fourth journey of pain, suffering, isolation, restraint, confinement, estrangement, grief, persecution, weakness, weariness, or illness that seems to stretch beyond your ability to endure? Could it be that there is a divine purpose to your journey? Is God using whatever it is to get you where He wants you to be? Ask God to give you a sense of purpose and a promise that He will see you through. As we look towards this Christmas season, join me as together we fix our eyes on Jesus, who also in one sense was on a “fourth journey” when He left Heaven’s throne and came to earth for the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2) One day our journey will also end in that same Place…the throne of God! Until then, let’s be faithful to testify of Him as we travel this journey and stay focused on our ultimate destination…His glory and His heavenly Kingdom!

For His Glory,Anne Graham Lotz

Bible Study: The Journey

Read Psalm 23 with Acts 22-28

  • Trace the Psalmist’s progression of his life’s journey in Psalm 23:1-6.
  • How did his journey begin? Psalm 23:1-3
  • What pain, persecution and problems are alluded to in Psalm 23:4-5?

Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.

While recovering from hip replacement surgery, I had the joy of having Pastor Deevaniah of India in my home. He is a traveling, itinerant evangelist ministering in India as well as to his compatriots in the US. His testimony and passion for sharing the Gospel were thrilling as well as inspiring. Before he left, I had the privilege of praying over him.

Rachel-Ruth was incredibly blessed by the leadership, staff, and friends of Operation Mobilization during their Presidential Briefing Weekend in Asheville, NC. She greatly encouraged them as she delivered two messages. This amazing organization travels to the most remote communities with help, hope and the love of Jesus. She is pictured above with Seelan Govender, the CEO of OM Ships.

For the first time since Mother’s Day, after having had a heart ablation in May, then a hip replacement seven weeks before traveling to First Baptist Church in Houston, TX, I gave two messages on the greatness of Jesus to their women’s conference. Then Pastor Gregg Matte invited me to speak at both Sunday morning services, the first time in their 183 year history that a woman had been given the pulpit. Before I spoke his wife, Kelly, prayed for me. God poured out His blessing as I underscored how to have peace in a troubled world.

In September, my executive assistant for over 40 years (seated at the front), Helen George, celebrated a significant birthday milestone with many of our staff and their families. She truly has been a Spirit-filled, anointed companion and coworker!

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In this volume, Anne shares her heart and God’s teachings on the universal problem of suffering, using the familiar story of Lazarus. This small book presents a simple, powerful message that is sure to bring comfort and new meaning to all who are suffering themselves or know others who need a special touch from God. It will help you understand and deal with suffering by leading you to the One Who knows your needs, shares your grief, sheds your tears and promises glory to come! Based on John 11. Foreword by Joni Eareckson Tada.  Click here to order.



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Summer 2024

…You must follow Me. — John 21:22

Rachel-Ruth recently shared the following message with her online Bible study. They were so blessed by it, as I was, that I asked her to write it out because I think you will be blessed by it also.

Imagine what it must have been like to be one of Jesus’ disciples. Think of what they witnessed! What they heard! With total consternation they must have passed out the 5 loaves and 2 fish that Jesus multiplied to feed thousands. Tears must have been in their own eyes as they saw Jesus heal Bartimaeus’ eyes. When they saw Jesus walking on the water, were they overcome with fear and awestruck wonder? When Jesus didn’t turn away the little children that climbed in His lap, did they get choked up by His loving kindness, so different than their own harsh rejection? When they heard Him speak, they must have hung on every word, not wanting to miss or forget a single sentence! When they heard Him pray, they asked Him to teach them how to pray like He did. Through each experience, Jesus was calling them, teaching them, wooing them to be disciples – mirror images of Himself – even in crisis.

One such example was on a day when Jesus was approached by Jairus, a synagogue ruler. His 12-year-old daughter had become deathly ill. With great faith, he asked Jesus to come to his house and lay hands on her and heal her. Jesus went with him, taking Peter, James, and John. The lesson that immediately pops out is to be a disciple you and I must have a godly inner circle of friends. Jesus often singled out Peter, James and John. In Matthew 17, He took them up a high mountain to get alone with Him where He was transfigured before them. In the Garden of Gethsemane He took these three into the interior as He prayed. Even though He had 12 disciples, Jesus may have been teaching all of them the importance of having a close inner circle of godly friends. We need the same! We need loyal Jesus-following, like-minded, trustworthy, prayer-storming warriors, who are close friends around us. Who is in your inner circle? Are they Jesus followers to their core? Or do you have non-believers in that inner circle? If so, it’s time to make a change. Ask God to bring you a few close godly friends to come alongside you in life.

Before arriving at Jairus’ house, Jesus was informed that the little girl had died. As they came to the house He “saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly”. Jesus, standing right there in the house, said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” Their response was stunning, yet typical. They didn’t rejoice that He had arrived. They didn’t fall at His feet in worship. They didn’t cry out in thanksgiving that He had come to help! They didn’t cling to Him in desperation and hope! Instead…they laughed at Him! Oh, the horror! JESUS WAS IN THE ROOM! And it still didn’t change their attitude, their mindset, their total unbelief, and their hopelessness. Where is your focus in crisis? Has it left you in a weeping, crying heap on the floor because it’s on your circumstances? Have you allowed yourself to lose all hope? Stop! Dry your eyes! No matter how bad the situation – cancer, car wreck, or catastrophe – put your focus on Him! JESUS IS IN THE ROOM!!!

Jesus had all the wailers and frenzied faithless leave the house, taking only the parents and His three disciples to the little girl’s bedside. At this point the little girl was lifeless, but they had to trust His word that she was just asleep. Disciples of Jesus in crisis must have faith to take Him at His word! I imagine that the parents watched Jesus with that expectant faith, no matter that their little girl lay dead before them. Jesus took her hand and said, “Talitha koum!”, which means “little girl, I say to you, get up!” And she got up! He raised her from death…to life! He did the impossible because there are no limits to His power! Don’t put Him in a box made by your own small thinking and small belief. A disciple in crisis bases faith on what His Word says. A disciple in crisis bases faith on who He is, despite all circumstances and feelings.

As we march forward in these last days, we are sure to face tough circumstances and crises. Mom and I don’t want to be dismissed as ones who give up in the face of insurmountable odds or one who wails and whines through difficulties. Instead, like a disciple, we have a godly inner circle of friends to come alongside for support. We are focused on Jesus who is right here with us. And we are growing in faith that quietly awaits God’s Almighty power to come down into our situation, according to His timing as we trust in His promises! Would you do the same? Talitha koum! Choose to be a disciple. Be a Jesus Follower!

For His Glory,

Bible Study:  Developing Disciples

Read Mark 5:22-24, 35-43

With Strong Friends

  • From the following passages, describe the difference that strong friends made: Exodus 4:12-16; Exodus 17:8-13; Ruth 1:3-9, 16-18, 2:1, 13-17; 2 Kings 2:1-2, 9-14; Jeremiah 38:1-13; Daniel 1:1-20; Daniel 3:1-30; Luke 6:12-16; Acts 13:1-5
  • From the following passages, describe the difference that weak friends made: Genesis 19:1-9, 23-25; Judges 16:4-21; 1 Kings 11:1-4; 2 Chronicles 10:1-19

Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.

On May 16th, a bronze statue of my father, and Rachel-Ruth and Morrow’s grandfather was unveiled in the US Capitol rotunda, then moved to the crypt where only representatives of the 13 original colonies are allowed to be placed. All Capitol tours will begin here, so tens of thousands will see the Bible in his hand that is opened to Galatians 6:14, “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” On the sides of the base are written out John 3:16 and John 14:6.

Dr. Tony Evans has been a personal friend for many years. Rachel-Ruth attended his church for six years when she was at Baylor University, then working in Dallas. He and his wife of 49 years, who has moved to Heaven, raised 4 disciples: Crystal Hurst on his left, Priscilla Shirer to my right, Anthony Evans on the far right, and Jonathan Evans, not pictured. My daughter, Morrow, is next to Anthony, and Dr. Evans’ sister-in-law, Dr. Elizabeth Cannings, is to her left. I was invited to give both Sunday morning messages on Mother’s Day, the first time in over 40 years since the church began, that he had a woman preach from his pulpit. I was honored, warmly welcomed, strongly supported and thoroughly blessed. I continue to pray for this family and Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship.


As the thunder rolled and the rain poured, about 300 people gathered under a tent for Coach Sylvia Hatchell’s annual picnic. I love her testimony when she states that before her cancer battle with stage 4 leukemia, she was a Christian, but after the battle she is a disciple! Rachel-Ruth and I shared a message together, emphasizing that God is with us in every situation, all the time. Preceding us was Phil Ford, the GOAT of basketball point guards, who shared his testimony. After reaching the pinnacle of success, alcohol got the best of him, and he lost everything—but he found Jesus and fully surrendered his life to Him. Now, he chooses to live as a disciple. It was an unforgettable evening!

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Jesus Followers
Within the framework of Anne’s exploration of biblical characters from Genesis 5, Rachel-Ruth tells family stories that will encourage, inspire, and motivate Christians to follow hard after Jesus and to develop their children and grandchildren into authentic disciples as Jesus Followers. Click to Order 

The Daniel Key
Twenty intentional, key choices make all the difference. Cultivate a life-changing faith when you learn to implement The Daniel Key into your everyday life. Click to Order

Jesus in Me
In this simple yet profound teaching, she explores seven key aspects of the Holy Spirit that will revolutionize how you understand and relate to this vital member of the Trinity. Click to Order

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Spring 2024

…They were at their wits’ end. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress. — Psalm 107:27-28

The Bible is filled with stories of people at their wits’ end who cried out to the Lord! He then heard and answered by delivering them. The Hebrew children enslaved in Egypt, their entrapment at the Red Sea by the Egyptian army, the three Hebrew men in the fiery furnace, Daniel in the lions’ den, Mary and Martha at the tomb of Lazarus, and so many others too numerous to mention describe that desperate times can be stepping stones of experiencing God’s miraculous intervention on our behalf.

One story that is not as well known is that of the prophet Jeremiah who spoke God’s words to the defiant Judean king, Zedekiah. The king was enraged and had Jeremiah cruelly beaten and thrown into a dungeon for speaking the truth. The Bible says he was there for a long time.1  He was later released, but it wasn’t long before some other men became infuriated by Jeremiah’s boldness to speak God’s words to the people. These wicked men dumped him into a cistern of wet mud that he sank down into.2  A pit! There was no way out for Jeremiah who described his agonizing experience in Lamentations 3:53-57: They tried to end my life in a pit and threw stones at me; the waters closed over my head, and I thought I was about to be cut off. I called on your name, O Lord, from the depths of the pit. You heard my plea: “Do not close your ears to my cry for relief.” You came near when I called you, and you said, “Do not fear.”

From up in Heaven, God heard Jeremiah’s cry of desperation from down in the pit! He came near and answered! Ebed-Melech,3 an African,  who was an important government official, heard what had been done to Jeremiah. God moved him to boldly go before the king and intercede on Jeremiah’s behalf. As a result, the king responded to Ebed-Melech’s plea by sending him along with thirty of the king’s men to pull Jeremiah out of the pit! The Bible describes details of the incredible deliverance! Ebed-Melech lowered down rags and cloths to put under Jeremiah’s arms, so when he was pulled up out of the sucking mud the ropes wouldn’t burn him. Jeremiah was not just pulled out of the pit, he was gently pulled to safety, then tended to and cared for in the courtyard of the guard.4

Are you at your wits’ end? Are you in the “pit” with no way out? Then take this thrilling story to heart as encouragement! Keep praying! God’s Word to Jeremiah and to us is: Pray but do not fear! No matter how desperate your situation is, God will hear your cry! And He will send help! One key to receiving a miracle is that He wants you and me to trust in Him completely! To put the full weight of our faith down on Him. In fact, that could be the reason He has allowed you to be at your wits’ end with no one else to turn to, but God!

It may be that you are not at your wits’ end, but someone you are concerned for is. Then could you be like Ebed-Melech? Go before the King of kings on their behalf! God may use you to respond to someone else’s prayers as He sends you, along with His Angelic Royal Guard, to pull your loved ones out of a pit!

Your prayers matter! For yourself and for others. Your prayers of desperate faith in God, and God alone, bring the power of Heaven down to hopeless situations. He is the God of the impossible! He can make a way when there is no way!! When you have God, you are never without hope! Even in a world that has gone mad, God is still on the throne. He still responds to prayers of desperation with all the power and might of Heaven! No one or nothing is out of His grasp! So… pray with all your heart! Don’t stay in your pit of despair, hopelessness, desperation, and ruin! God will make a way, and He uses our prayers to catapult His deliverance. Pray! Trust! And wait with expectancy for the God of the impossible to move!!!

For His Glory,

Bible Study:  When at Your Wits’ End

When pressures or problems or pain envelop our lives, we tend to trust God…plus our doctor or our lawyer or our counselor or our banker or our leaders or our own effort or our_____(fill in the blank). Yet God seems to demonstrate His power and glory to those who trust in Him alone. Which is why He often allows us to reach the end of our human resources or run the limit of conventional wisdom before He steps in and does the impossible. The miraculous. So when you are at your wits’ end…

Trust God

  • Read Psalm 107. How many desperate situations are described? How was each one resolved? What was the final outcome of each? What were the people exhorted to do at the
    conclusion each time?
  • How do the following verses encourage you to trust God? Write out descriptive phrases from:
    2 Samuel 7:28; Psalm 56:3-4; Psalm 20:7; Psalm 18:1-19; Psalm 31:14-16; Isaiah 26:3-4;
    Deuteronomy 4:7; Psalm 62:5-8; Isaiah 59:1.

Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.

Christ Community Church in Montreat, NC, was the church where I was raised, baptized, gave my first testimony, and was married! My mother and father, as well as Rachel-Ruth and Steven, were also married in this incredibly meaningful place. Rachel-Ruth and I were each given a morning session to speak at their women’s conference, challenging the ladies to receive and pass truth to those who follow. After lunch, I included my youngest granddaughter in a Q & A as a living example of three generations of faith.


Anne Christiansen was our bold and courageous Just Give Me Jesus revival chair in Oslo, Norway in 2007. She was told by national church leaders not to book the Spektrum Arena because she would be humiliated when few people came. But she forged ahead by faith, and the arena was filled! She is gorgeous, articulate, and passionate about reaching the next generation for Jesus. We had a wonderful visit when she and her husband Stephan recently visited AnGeL Ministries. Please visit Anne Christiansen’s website here.


RR: Coach Sylvia Hatchell is one of our dearest friends!! She was the head women’s basketball coach at the University of North Carolina for 33 years, won a national championship, and is in the Naismith Hall of Fame. Eleven years ago she asked if I would teach a Bible study she started for some of her staff, UNC faculty and friends, which I did. When COVID hit, we had to go online, and the study grew so much that we have kept it online. Coach Hatchell asked my mom, my youngest daughter, Riggin, and I to join her for the UNC-NC State men’s basketball game. The last time I was at a UNC game, two years ago, I had a SCAD heart attack…I left the game and called 911. So thankful God allowed me to come back and have a wonderful time. God is faithful!


For Women’s History Month, Study Gateway asked me to share who my most influential female mentor was. I was blessed to answer that outside of my family, it was Miss
A. Wetherell Johnson, founder of Bible Study Fellowship.


RR: In March I went to San Antonio to speak at a Youth for Christ Fundraising Gala! My grandfather was Youth for Christ’s first evangelist way back at the beginning of his ministry!

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The Daniel Prayer
Based on Daniel’s prayer in Daniel 9, will help you pray effectively for your nation, for your family, and for yourself. Click to Order

Anne shares her heart and God’s teachings on the universal problem of suffering, using the familiar story of Lazarus. It will help you understand and deal with suffering by leading you to the One Who knows your needs, shares your grief, sheds your tears and promises glory to come! Based on John 11. Click to Order

Daily Light Journal
Since she was a young girl, Anne has read Daily Light, the life-changing devotional of Scripture compilations given to her by her mother, Ruth Bell Graham.  Anne decided to write out her thoughts on the Daily Light to sharpen her attentiveness to the voice of God. This journal is the result.
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Winter 2024

Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus…. — Hebrews 12:1-2a, NIV

Some time ago, while sitting on the porch of a beach house, I was enjoying watching people walk by. I began to be curious as four people approached because I noticed that the two guys were dressed exactly alike, and the two women walking with them were dressed exactly alike! Not only that, the four of them were walking with two dogs that were exactly alike! As I watched, I thought this can’t be! So I closed one eye, and sure enough…there was only one couple walking one dog! When I opened my other eye, I saw four people and two dogs.  That’s the first indication I had of double vision.

Double vision is exhausting because everything looks confusing. Straining to constantly focus is wearying.  I can’t see clearly unless I wear glasses, or close one eye…does the pastor and/or worship leader in church think I’m winking at him?

While physical double vision is exhausting, spiritual double vision is more so. Life can become confusing, a wise decision can turn into multiple choice, our goals can become divided, our reason and purpose for living can become ambiguous, and weariness takes over.

In Matthew 6:22-23, Jesus said: The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!  Put another way, He is saying that your focus determines the direction of your life.  If your focus is healthy, your whole life will be full of light. But if your focus is off…if you have spiritual double vision…you will become confused, susceptible to deception, and end up lost on the road going nowhere with a life that is wasted.

Spiritual double vision produces an erratic, inconsistent walk. Some days you read your Bible—some days you don’t. Some days you pray—some days you don’t. Some things you surrender to the Lord—some things you hold on to.  Some time and money you give Him…some time and money you spend the way you want. It’s exhausting.

I remember when I first surrendered everything to the Lord. I did so because I was tired. Tired of the multiple decisions I made every day, “Do I do this His way? In obedience to His Word? In accordance to His will? Or do I do things my way, according to what I want?” Finally, it just seemed easier and less exhausting to let Him have everything and give me back what He wanted me to have. So I did.  I surrendered all. Immediately I felt a release. A sweet peace. My life, my decisions, my goals that included family and ministry, were in His hands. And my focus was clear. I would live for Him alone. For His pleasure. For His glory.

Over the years, God has taken me deeper in that surrender as I have been challenged in new ways: to surrender my children…and my grandchildren…their decisions and well-being; to surrender the future of the ministry He has entrusted to me; to surrender my time and the way I use it as I seem to get busier and busier;  to surrender my health, or lack of it; to surrender my reputation as I come under assault;  and the list goes on.

The blessing has been not only peace and spiritual “rest” from the striving, but also a clearer focus on my supreme goal of pursuing Him…of knowing Him, loving Him, pleasing Him, serving Him, glorifying Him until I see Him face to face.

So at the beginning of this New Year 2024, check your focus.  What consumes your time? Your thoughts? What are your goals? Your priorities? Do you lack deep inner peace because without realizing it, you have gradually developed double vision? If so, it’s time to surrender all. Make the words of this classic hymn by Judson Van DeVenter not just your New Year’s resolution but your prayer for life:

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow;
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
Take me, Jesus, take me now.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power,
Let Thy blessing fall on me.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Now I feel the sacred flame;
Oh, the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory, to His name!

I surrender all,
I surrender all;
All to Thee, my blessed Savior
I surrender all.

For His Glory,

Anne Graham Lotz

Bible Study:  Focused in 2024

  • How important is your physical focus when walking or driving or even watching TV?
  • How important is your spiritual focus when walking with God and seeking to live for Him?
  • What do you think it means to walk with God?  See 1 John 1:6-7; Ephesians 4:1-3; Micah 6:8.

Click here for the Bible Study especially developed for this newsletter.


Rachel-Ruth has overcome daunting, life-threatening health issues not just somehow, but triumphantly, as she has kept her eyes fixed on Jesus. Her life, as well as her message, impacted the hundreds of Intercessors for America who gathered in Washington, DC as she shared the platform with Michele Bachmann, Richard Blackaby and Eric Metaxas.


The King’s personal Christmas gift to me this year was the opportunity to speak at a women’s event at Cornerstone Church in Leesburg, VA, as a substitute for Rachel-Ruth whose doctor did not want her to fly. Two thousand women were seated before me and 3500 were watching by live stream, as I challenged them to surrender their hearts to The King for His birthday. I’m excited to welcome Cornerstone’s pastor, Gary Hamrick, as a teacher at my Cove seminar this November 1-3.


Dino Kartsonakis and his beautiful wife, Cheryl, led worship for my Cove seminar in November. The Cove training center was filled to capacity, with 1500 watching on live stream, as Dino thrilled us with his music. He will be back to lead worship at my Cove seminar November 1-3. The seminar was truly a mountaintop experience as we were all challenged to get ready to meet Jesus—He’s coming!


Thanksgiving was a small celebration in our beloved NC mountains near my father’s house. My spirit was refreshed as I walked around the town I grew up in with my youngest granddaughter, Riggin, and my Golden Retriever, Churchill.


GET READY! Jesus is coming…

As the world keeps getting darker morally and spiritually, as rumors of wars increase, as nations rise against nations, as anger boils over in homes and on the streets, as our culture has gone so woke it denies the basic science of gender identity…and the list goes on…followers of Jesus are on high alert. The signs of His imminent return are more and more obvious. It’s time to get ready to meet Him face to face!

These messages were recorded at The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove and are more timely today than they were even then. Dino Kartsonakis has graciously given us his permission to include his Cove seminar concert as a bonus track.

This Year…

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

Getting up early in the morning to fix your eyes on Jesus through prayer and reading His Word is like setting your spiritual compass. Because no matter what faces you during the day, or how “lost” and confused you can become…He invariably leads you on the right path.

Our prayer is that the devotions in this updated deluxe edition will help you fix your eyes on Jesus every day, so that you, too, can set your spiritual compass.

  • Today your words and devotion to Jesus resonated deep in my heart. Thank you, Anne, for helping me keep my eyes on Jesus. The world needs Jesus.—M.
  • Each morning I read from Fixing My Eyes on Jesus. I am amazed that the content of several of the devotions have been so applicable to what our nation and world are experiencing!—G.

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