New Video Message Series from Anne and Rachel-Ruth
As the world keeps getting darker morally and spiritually, as rumors of wars increase, as nations rise against nations, as anger boils over in homes and on the streets, as our culture has gone so woke it denies the basic science of gender identity…and the list goes on… Followers of Jesus are on high alert. The signs of His imminent return are more and more obvious. It’s time to get ready to meet Him face to face!
These messages were recorded at The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove and are more timely today than they were even then. Dino Kartsonakis has graciously given us permission to include his concert as a bonus track.
Message Series Includes:
Message 1 – Refocused… (Rev. 1:1-19) AGL
Message 2 – Preparing the Next Generation to Meet Jesus (Gen. 48) RRW
Message 3 – Repentant… (Rev. 2-3) AGL
Message 4 – Ready! (Selected Scriptures) AGL
Concert – Dino Kartsonakis
Find the ministry of Dino Kartsonakis on Facebook:
Lord, We are asking that You speak to us. We want this to be an encounter with You. We are living in such a critical and dangerous and strategic time. We need to wake up and be alert that You are coming and we need to be ready. So I ask now Your blessing on these messages. Lord, please give me the words to express what I feel You’ve put in my heart. And I pray this please for Your glory. In Jesus name, Amen.
“Look, He is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of Him.” So shall it be! Amen. – Revelation 1:7