
Light Reigns Over Darkness

When you and I live lives that reflect Jesus, His light in us reveals the darkness of sin and rebellion and ignorance in the world around us. This may begin to explain why your old friends have rejected you or your coworkers avoid you or your neighbors shun you. If they are living in darkness, the light in you makes them uncomfortable.

Our world lives in spiritual darkness, separated from God. But people have adjusted and, generally speaking, are comfortable in their “twilight zone.” They may not be able to “see” God or others or themselves clearly, but they see well enough to get along in life.

When a person who belongs to Jesus Christ lives a life that reflects:

His integrity and morality and purity,

His holiness and righteousness and truthfulness,

His goodness and godliness and grace,

the light of his or her life can cause others to react with spontaneous rejection. But be encouraged! The Light not only reveals the darkness, it also reigns over it.

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