
Prayer for the Lonely

Great, Perfect High Priest,[1]

We worship You as One who understands the feelings of our infirmities.[2]  You are tender.  Gentle. A bruised reed You will not break.  A smoking flax You will not quench.[3]

You never grow tired or weary.[4]

We confess that sometimes we do feel weary.  Breakable. Lonely as we stand for You and speak out for You when so few others do. You don’t blame us for our weariness and weakness.  Instead, You sympathize with us.[5] Yet we remember You have said that You set the lonely in families.[6] So we thank You for Your family…brothers and sisters who stand shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart… as we continue to live for You in this increasingly dark, dangerous and hostile world.

As we meet here in prayer, dear Spirit of our Father God, use us to encourage each other.  Build each other up.  Strengthen each other. So that when we have done all we know to do… when the enemy comes in like a flood assaulting us from every side, on every level and from every angle…we still stand. With spirits battered, maybe.  With hearts wounded, maybe.  But with Sword raised in victory![7]  We are still standing![8]

For the Glory of Your Great Name,


Please pray with us and post your prayer below in comments.

[1] Hebrews 4:14

[2] Hebrews 4:15

[3] Isaiah 42:3

[4] Isaiah 40:28

[5] Hebrews 4:15

[6] Psalm 68:6

[7] Ephesians 6:17

[8] Ephesians 6:13


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