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Together Forever

August 13

We eagerly await a Savior . . . who . . . will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
- Philippians 3:20-21, NIV

As wonderful as my loved ones are and as much as I miss them, they are not perfect! And if your loved ones are like mine, your relationship with them on earth has not been perfect either. To think of living forever in the same home with my brother would give one pause! But when we get to Heaven, the joy of seeing our loved ones once again is immeasurably increased when we realize that all of us will indeed be perfect! There will be no more . . .

disagreements or cross words,

hurt feelings or misunderstandings,

neglect or busyness,

interruptions or rivalry,

jealousy or pride,

selfishness or sin of any kind!

There will be nothing at all to mar our full enjoyment of being with our loved ones forever and ever!

From Heaven: My Father's House

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