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Facing Death Without Fear

April 22

We, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. - 2 Peter 3:13, NKJV

For many years I have traveled all over the world in response to invitations to give out God’s Word. There have been times, such as my first visit to India, when I have started out by climbing onto the plane with my stomach churning, my knees knocking, and my heart fibrillating – terrified because I was not sure where I was going, or who would meet me at the journey’s end. But what a difference there has been in my attitude when I have had the opportunity for a second visit to that same place. I have left home with peace in my heart because I knew where I was going and who would meet me at the journey’s end. In the same way, the prospect of death can fill you and me with terror and dread – unless we know where we are going. Knowing as much as we can about our final destination, and Who will meet us at the end of life’s journey, takes the fear out of getting there.

From Heaven: My Father's House

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