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No Night There

March 3

The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. - Revelation 21:23, NIV

Our heavenly home will glow and radiate with light from within – the light of God Himself and the glorious radiance of His presence.

I have been in some of the great cities of the world at night. I have looked out after sunset from Victoria Peak in Hong Kong during the Chinese New Year, and I have seen the lights transform the hills surrounding the harbor into a virtual fairyland. I have seen the lights of Capetown, South Africa, wrapped around Table Mountain at night forming a vast, jewel-studded skirt. . . .

But even in those great cities with their millions of lights, there are still pockets of darkness. In our heavenly home, there will be no darkness at all.

From Heaven: My Father's House

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