
What Does the April 8 Eclipse Mean?

April 15, 2024 

Clarifying the Meaning of the April 8 Eclipse 


One week ago today America experienced an amazing total solar eclipse. Two days before, on April 6th, I posted a blog entitled, What does the April 8 Eclipse Mean?  (SEE BELOW)

Thank all of you who warmly received it and posted affirmative comments. In reading through some of the responses, I encountered two issues of disagreement that I would like to address. The first issue was with my statement that the United States was founded on faith in God. I quoted from the Pledge of Allegiance, not because it was a founding document, but because it so succinctly states that we are “one nation under God.” Our very first president, George Washington, immediately following his inauguration on his very first day in office, knelt in prayer along with his entire government and dedicated the United States of America to the glory of God.1 It was an incredible act that established us as a nation under God. 

The second issue was with this statement: The paths of the three eclipses over our beloved nation form the Hebrew letters that represent the first and last letters of the alphabet… the beginning and the end… the Alpha and the Omega…which is also one of the names the Lord God gives for Himself (Revelation 1:8). I stated the paths of the eclipse represent the Alpha and Omega. They do not spell it out, which is where the confusion lies. The paths of the three eclipses actually spell out Aleph-Tav which in ancient Hebrew means “completed alphabet.” In Hebrew, Revelation 1:8 would read: Ani h’aleph v’tav – I am the Aleph (א) and Tav (ת). 2 Or, I am the Alpha and Omega. 

Thank you for caring enough to read the blog and push back on things you believe are not correct. I want to be held accountable. I apologize for not explaining more clearly what I heard the Spirit whisper to my heart when I was in prayer and meditating on His Word the morning of April 6. While no one can know for certain if the three eclipses are a sign and/or warning from Heaven, I believe they may be. What I do know with certainty is that it’s time for us to repent of sin, return to God and get right with Him. Now. While there is still time. 

In my blog below I shared a prayer that could help someone establish a right relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. For those of us who know we belong to God through faith in Jesus, join me in praying King David’s prayer of Psalm 139:23-24 as you tune your heart to listen…then follow through in obedience… to the Spirit’s answer: 

Search me, O God, and know my heart; 

test me and know my anxious thoughts. 

See if there is any offensive way in me, 

and lead me in the way everlasting. 





April 6, 2024

…And God said, “Let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs… Genesis 1:14

On Monday, April 8, 2024, the United States will witness the third total eclipse within a seven year period. This is the first time in over 1000 years that any nation has seen something like this. The paths of the three eclipses over our beloved nation form the Hebrew letters that represent the first and last letters of the alphabet… the beginning and the end… the Alpha and the Omega…which is also one of the names the Lord God gives for Himself (Revelation 1:8).

Could God be giving us a sign from the sky? Is He giving us a heads-up warning that time is running out for our nation? In a significant way, God is the Alpha of the United States of America. He is our beginning. We were founded as “one nation under God.” Is He now putting us on notice that He is also our Omega? Is He warning us that the end is near for America as we have known her?

While I don’t know the answer to those questions, I do know everything means something.

Jesus prophesied that right before the end there would be signs in the sky that include the sun being darkened (Matthew 24:29). The Old Testament prophet Joel declared the same thing (Joel 2:31). Are we near the end as a nation?

But His warning carries with it implied hope.

God would not warn us if there was not opportunity to change depending on our response to it. Like Nineveh of old, could God be giving us a warning of impending disaster…a warning followed by a window of time to turn away from our sin and return to Him? (Jonah 3:1-10)

While the eclipse is a fascinating natural phenomenon that deserves our attention, I don’t want to miss the sign from Heaven that it may be also. If it is a warning, how will you and I wish we had responded to it when the end comes? I believe it’s time to get right with God as a nation. Now. The prophet Joel, quoted above, says it best as he implored his nation: …Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love…who knows but that He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing… (Joel 2:13-14)

It’s also time to get right with God as individuals. If that’s your desire, pray this simple prayer:

Dear God,

I want to get right with You. I acknowledge that I have done wrong things, and I’m sorry. I have turned away from You and gone my own way. I ask You to forgive me. I now turn to You. I claim the death of Your Son, Jesus, as Your sacrifice for my sin and wrongdoing. I receive the eternal life He rose from the grave to give me. I surrender the control of my life to Him. I invite Him to come into my heart, and choose to follow Him from this day forward, all the way to Heaven.


If enough of us prayed that prayer, we could save our nation. But even if you are the only one who responds to God’s heavenly sign by getting right with Him, you may not prevent the end from coming, but regardless of what happens, you will be safe…forever! An original map by Sand depicting the American Aleph, a hieroglyphic pattern formed by mapping the three complete solar eclipse paths of Aug. 21 2017, Oct.14 2023 and Apr 08 2024.There has never been such a tightly formed obvious Aleph over the interior borders of any nation in at least the last thousand years.1 

A Tav is a Cross, the last letter of both the ancient Hebrew and Egyptian alphabets. The Aleph is an A, the source of our modern letter. They are the first and last letters, the Alpha and the Omega essentially.

The April 8 2024 eclipse creates all three letters within minutes by crossing the lines created by the first two eclipses from south to north.

Paleo-Hebrew was the script in which the Old Testament was written, not the modern script that is currently used ( which was being standardized around 200 B.C.) .

On the left is a Tav–the last letter (22nd) of the Hebrew alphabet– essentially a cross or X in the above illustration.

On the right is the Paleo-Hebrew Aleph–the first letter of the alphabet. The Tav is being written by the shadow of the moon on both locations.

The Aleph ( where we get Alpha and our letter A) is written by shadows of the 2017, 2023 and 2024 eclipses on the USA.2

1 Click world crosses section and American maps to consider peculiarity.

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