
To Bear Much Fruit

October 26, 2018

The following audio devotional was given by Anne to her ministry family following her cancer surgery and one week before her first chemo infusion.

My aim in ministry is not ministry – my aim is to bring God glory and to bear much fruit.  John 15: 8 says, This is to My Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My disciples. So, if my purpose is to glorify God, then I can do that if I’m traveling. I can do that if I’m on a platform. I can do that if I’m on a pulpit. I can do that if I’m doing an interview. I can do that if I’m on a chemo bed. My purpose is to bring Him glory; but in order to bear much fruit and to bring Him even more glory, it requires several things…[Listen]


 To listen to Anne’s full devotional – click HERE.




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