
Devotional Bible Studies

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A Gift For The King

Read John 13:1-17 Every year I wrestle with what to give my Father for Christmas. He seems to have everything! And so I mentally search for ideas weeks in advance. Around Thanksgiving I usually give up and just ask him …

An Open Letter To The Weary

Sometimes when I am very weary, I succumb to the tyranny of the urgent. I do what I have to do, or what’s expected of me, or what I’ve committed to, but I have no mental, emotional or physical energy …

Are You Ready?

Jesus is coming! How do you react to that statement of truth? Some people wring their hands in fear. Or roll their eyes in skepticism. Or yawn with disinterest. Or jump up and down with excitement. How should we react …

Centering Down In Jesus

Read Psalm 23:1-2 I. FOR REST Who is the Shepherd in Psalm 23:1? See John 10:11, 14. What do you think the green pastures represent in v.2? Compare John 21:17 with John 6:35, 63. What is implied by “lying down” …

Change We Can Believe In

Read Ephesians 2 I. CHANGE FOR SINNERS 2:1-10 Give at least four or five different phrases that describe sinners from v.1-3. Describe the sinner’s condition from Romans 1:18; John 3:36. According to v.4, who took the initiative to change our …


Do you use a Day-Timer? A Day-Timer is a calendar arranged by the hours in each day, the days in each week, the weeks in each month, and the months in each year. It can be quickly referenced so that …

Defeating The Devil

Since 9/11, America’s eyes have been opened to an evil, hate-filled enemy who uses terrorism to achieve the goal of our destruction. Our newspapers, magazines, and TV talk shows have been filled with information concerning this enemy and how we …

Drop To Your Knees

Read 2 Chronicles 7:11-15 Besides literal darkness, what do you think night could represent? v.12 What is significant about the fact that God spoke to Solomon in the night? Apply this to your life and to our world. What did …

Embracing God

When pressures mount, instead of withdrawing or exploding or complaining, you and I need to run to our Heavenly Father, throw our arms of faith around Him, and embrace Him more tightly. Why? The Psalmist gives us three reasons: Read …


…AS WE FOCUS ON GOD HIMSELF Give phrases from the following verses that encourage us to stay: Focused on God’s presence: Deuteronomy 1:29-31; 31:6 Focused on God’s power: Exodus 14:13-14; 1 Samuel 17:33-37 Focused on God’s plan: Psalm 2:1, 4; …

Expecting To See God

Read Matthew 24:42-50 In view of the fact that we’re expecting to see Jesus at any moment, He tells us to take three primary actions: to watch for His return, to work until He does return, and to walk with …

Facing War With Confidence

Read Psalm 27 There are many different types of wars: wars between nations, wars within the heart, wars within the home, wars on our streets, wars in our culture. Life is not easy. Often, we cannot choose our circumstances, but …

Five Things A Storm Can’t Destroy

So far in 2011, in addition to being riveted to news of political uprisings, we have lived in or read reports on “Snowmagedon,” Australian floods, tornadoes in the southern USA, earthquakes in New Zealand, China and numerous other countries – …

For This We Need Jesus

Read John 11:1-44 I. FOR THIS WE NEED JESUS John 11:1-37 Mary and Martha needed a miracle. What miracle do you need -in your marriage, health, business, church, family? A. BECAUSE WE ARE HELPLESS vs. 11:1-16 1. WHEN BAD THINGS …

Found By Him At The Spring

Read John 10:1-10 Learning to recognize the voice of God is critical not only to living a life pleasing to Him, but also to developing a personal relationship with Him. Yet how can we be sure the voice we hear …

God Loves Little Children

Christmas is a celebration of God’s gift of Jesus to you and me. The living Word became flesh! The Creator left His throne in Heaven, and came to earth as the Baby of Bethlehem! What a heavenly crescendo it was …

God’s Christmas Gift … Jesus For Every Day

Every year I receive Christmas gifts that I don’t know how to use. They usually wind up on a shelf, or in a drawer, or stored in the attic. And it has occurred to me . . . has God …

God’s Story

Read Genesis 1 with Colossians 1:15-23 I. THE REVELATION OF HIS PERSON Colossians 1:15 Who is God, according to: Gen. 1:1, 27? Isa. 40:28? 44:24? John 4:24? I Tim. 4:10? Give characteristics which reveal He is a living Person from: …

He Is Worth It!

Read Revelation 5 I. BECAUSE HE IS UNEQUALED IN POSITION 5:1-5 What do you think the scroll could represent? See Revelation 5:7, 9; 11:15; 12:10-12; 15:7; 21:5. Name people throughout history, until this present day, who would want to rule …

His Extended Family

Read Matthew 1:1-16 The redemptive power of God is highlighted by the names of women that appear in the genealogy that begins Matthew’s Gospel—a list of names that make up the extended family of Jesus. Give the names of the …

I Believe …

I believe that there is one, true, living God. I believe that He is the Creator of the heavens and earth, including you and me. I believe that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I believe that …

I Saw The LORD

I have been asked very skeptically, Anne, you mean you’ve seen the Lord? Where . . . ? And I’ve answered with a deep, confident knowing, Yes, I’ve seen the Lord . . . during the hard times in my …

It’s Time For Good News

Read Luke 4:18-19 Everyday we are bombarded with bad news in our newspapers and on our televisions. I would imagine that early in the first century, living under Roman occupation, with the narrow city streets of Jerusalem reverberating with the …

Life Is Just Better … With Jesus

John 10:7-10 In Jesus’ day, the summer sheepfold was located in the highland pasture. It had stones from the pasture itself piled on top of each other until they formed a circular wall. The wall had one gap that served …

More Of His Voice In My Ear

Read John 10:1-10 Learning to recognize the voice of God is critical not only to living a life pleasing to Him, but also to developing a personal relationship with Him. Yet how can we be sure the voice we hear …

Psalm 119

My paternal grandmother memorized Psalm 119 as a girl, and recited it on her deathbed. Read Psalm 119, underlining every time God’s Word or an interchangeable word (such as “law,” “statutes,” “decrees,” “commands”) is mentioned. How many did you find? …

Pursue Jesus In This Generation

Read Matthew 24:42-51 I. BY WATCHING What do you think “watching” means? Write down the dictionary definition. What do you think Jesus means by, Keep watch, in Matthew 24:42? Why is this important, according to Matthew 24:42-44? What are some …

Refocus On Him

Read Revelation 1:9-17 I. REFOCUS UNDER PRESSURE Revelation 1:9 What type of pressure are you under? Is it emotional? physical? mental? material? social? financial? From Revelation 1:9, what types of pressure do you think John experienced? A. THE PRESSURE OF …


I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure. – Psalm 119:162 Read Romans 5:1-11 I. REJOICE IN HOPE Romans 5:1-2 Describe our spiritual condition before placing our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. Give …

River Of The Water Of Life

Read Revelation 22:1-5 with Ezekiel 47:1-9 In the last scene of the vision of the glory of Jesus Christ an angel directed the apostle John’s attention to a river that saturates our heavenly home in the blessing of God. …

Runway Lights

Often I am asked, “Anne, I have a major decision to make, how can I know if it is in God’s will?” In response, I usually begin by explaining that when an airplane comes in to land during the night, …

Sent Out To “Just Give Them Jesus” …

What do you really care about? When we care about our weight, we go on a diet. When we care about our shape, we begin an exercise regime. When we care about national policy, we vote. When we truly care …

Soaring Over The Storms

Revelation 1 The first century church experienced storms of persecution and suffering under the reign of the Roman emperors Nero and Domitian. To help the early Christians keep their focus on Christ so they could soar over the storms, God …

Stones Of Remembrance

After wandering in the wilderness for forty years, the Israelites experienced the power of God to roll back the waters of the Jordan River enabling them to cross over and take possession of the Promised Land. Read Joshua 3 and …

The Activity Of God

Read Genesis 1 I. THE CONDITION OF THE EARTH From verse 2, give four descriptive words or phrases of planet Earth. How could each description apply to the condition of a human life? Whom do you know who fits this …

The Good News Of The Gospel

I. DEFINING IT Using one or more phrases from each of the following verses, define the Gospel: Romans 3:23, Romans 3:10, Romans 1:18, Romans 6:23, John 3:16,I John 1:9, Revelation 3:20, John 1:12, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 2:8-9,II Corinthians 5:17. Read …

The Incarnation Of God’s Word

Read John 1:1 Give the phrase that reveals God’s Word is eternal. What does this mean to you? How does this verse reveal that God’s Word is separate, yet equal to God? What in this verse indicates that the Word …

The Light Still Shines

Two thousand years ago on a dark and starry night outside the little town of Bethlehem, the midnight sky was split by a laser beam of light in the form of an angel who announced that the Messiah, the One …

The Power of Praise

Read Acts 16:16-36 Describe Paul’s circumstances in 16:16-24. How do you think he felt physically? Emotionally? Spiritually? Mentally? Under the same circumstances, how would you feel? How would you react? How did Paul react in 16:25? Give phrases that reveal …

The Time Is Now

Read Joel 1-2 I. TIME TO WAKE UP 1:1-12 Who is speaking? 1:1 What disaster is described? Give the phrases that indicate the disaster affected the people environmentally; socially; financially; nationally; religiously; and agriculturally. Name one disaster we have experienced …

The Voice Of God

I would love to know how Abraham heard the Word of the Lord. Did he hear a soft whisper? Was it just a quiet knowing in his heart and mind? Or did he look up and discover that he wasn’t …

What Can The Righteous Do?

“When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” –Psalm 11:3 Read Psalm 11 I. OUR NATURAL REACTION Write down your reaction to Tuesday, September 11th, the Day of Terror, byanswering the following questions: Where were you? How …

When Weakness Is Strength

Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Why did Paul say God allowed him to suffer? What are some other reasons God allows us to suffer or experience hardship? 1 Peter 1:6-7; 2:20-21; Hebrews 5:8; Romans 8:17. How did God answer Paul’s prayer …

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayer?

Read John 11:1-44 Do you have any unanswered prayers? Not just small, daily requests, but major heart-breaking, soul-wrenching, tear-soaking prayers that God has not answered? In fact, has He not only remained silent and not said anything to encourage you, …

Worthy To Rule Your World

One day thousands upon thousands will gather before the throne of God and proclaim Jesus Christ as the only One worthy to rule the world…to receive glory and honor and power…forever and ever! And as that scene unfolds in Heaven, …


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