

“Daniel, whose greatness bridged world empires and transcends the centuries, who had every human ‘right’ to think very highly of himself, didn’t. As he began to pray, he smeared himself with ‘ashes’…”  (The Daniel Key, Chapter 18)


Enthroned Living Lord . . .

Everything revolves around You. Everything.

How could we have become so out of focus? Our distorted perspective is first rooted in our hearts, then reflected in our prayers. Because . . .
what we have wanted seems so vital;
what we have thought seems so critical;
what we have felt seems so crucial;
what we have said sounds so spiritual;
we seem to be consumed with

We are so ashamed. In the light of who You are, we now get it. We understand that
it’s what You want that is vital, what You think that is so critical, what You feel that
is crucial, what You say is the wisdom of the ages expressed in unvarnished, eternal
truth. How could we have set ourselves up as gods, and expected You to fall in
line with us as though You exist for our personal benefit?

Now, in the privacy of this place, I choose to humble myself. I plead with You for what You have purposed to give, for what You have wanted to do, for what You have promised to fulfill in Your Word. I want Your kingdom to come, Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. I want to be a part of what You are doing . . . to come alongside You as You accomplish Your agenda.

For the glory of Your great name,


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