
Read the Directions

July  30, 2016

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make you way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8

One Christmas my husband, Danny, and I bought our then three-year-old daughter, Morrow, a red tricycle. I kept reminding Danny that he needed to put it together before Christmas morning, but he procrastinated until late Christmas Eve. When he pulled the pieces of the tricycle out of the box, he said that they looked simple enough. What could go wrong? He held up the handlebars, a seat, and three wheels with the comment that anybody could put them together.

When Danny finished putting the pieces together, the handlebars were crooked and each wheel went in a different direction. When he tried to take it apart to readjust everything, he couldn’t. The nuts and bolts held fast. With a sigh of frustration he looked back in the box. At the bottom was a white sheet of paper.

It was labeled in big, bold, black letters: Manufacturer’s Directions for Assembly, with the added note to read very carefully before assembling the tricycle.

The tricycle never did work the way it was designed to work.

Our lives are like the little red tricycle. They come with a “white sheet of paper”– the Creator’s Directions for Living that are found in the Bible. But many people don’t bother to read the directions until they have messed up their lives to the point that they simply don’t work the way they were designed to work.

This week, we have the unique opportunity to listen to God’s Word together for one hour each day during these first eight days of August. Don’t miss it. Join me at God It’s time for all of us to read the directions!






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