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A Divine Appointment

November 2

Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation.
- Psalm 62:1, NKJV

Have you ever considered that you have a divine appointment when you get up early for your quiet time of prayer and meditation on His Word? . . . That Jesus is patiently, personally waiting to meet with you there?

Have you ever thought of going to church as a divine appointment? . . . That Jesus is patiently, personally waiting to meet with you there?

Have you ever thought of the Bible study you belong to as a divine appointment? . . . That Jesus is patiently, personally waiting to meet with you there?

What a difference it would make in our attitude of expectancy and our habit of consistency if we truly wrapped our hearts around the knowledge that each is a divine appointment, that Jesus Himself is waiting to meet with us.

From Just Give Me Jesus

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